Asia Leads 2017 Private Participation in Infrastructure

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The World Bank’s annual Private Participation in Infrastructure (PPI) report tracks private investment in infrastructure projects globally. In 2017, both the total amount of private investment commitments and the number of countries receiving them increased from the previous year. Here are a few key numbers from the 2017 PPI report.
37: The percentage increase in private infrastructure investment compared to the previous year
45: The number of projects that received some form of indirect government support
45: The percentage of investment tracked that was financed by private sources, compared to 24 percent from bilateral providers and 22 percent from commercial providers
52: The number of countries that received PPI investments, up from 37 in 2016
70: The percentage of project investment that was debt-financed
105: The number of projects that received some form of support from a development finance institution
135: The total number of government-supported PPI projects
173: The number of renewable energy projects, accounting for 88 percent of all electricity generation projects for the year
304: The total number of projects tracked in 2017
$17.5 billion: The amount of investment in China across 73 projects
$49.0 billion: The amount of PPI investment within East Asia and the Pacific, accounting for more than half of the annual total
$93.3 billion: Private investment commitments in energy, transport, ICT backbone, and water infrastructure in low-and-middle-income countries in 2017
$109.8 billion: The average amount of annual investment tracked by the PPI report from 2012 – 2016
Source: 2017 Private Participation in Infrastructure (PPP) Annual Report, World Bank
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