The Global Infrastructure Boom

Quotes and Quotas is a weekly digest of phrases and facts that help explain Asia’s infrastructure push.
14 percent: The rise in total global infrastructure investment from 2015 to 2016.
42 percent: The percentage of infrastructure deals that were considered green energy projects in 2016.
552: The total number of infrastructure deals completed in Asia in 2016.
1,772: The total number of infrastructure deals completed globally in 2016.
$13 billion: The sale value of Indonesia’s Tuban Refinery Plant, the largest individual deal completed in 2016.
$97 billion: The value of all infrastructure deals completed in Europe in 2015.
$131 billion: The value of all infrastructure deals completed in Asia in 2016.
$413 billion: Total investment in global infrastructure assets in 2016.
Source: by Gill Plimmer, Financial Times
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