Project Overview
Reconnecting Asia maps new linkages—digital, transport, energy, and other infrastructure—that are reshaping economic and geopolitical realities. It was founded with a start-up grant from the Brzezinski Institute on Geostrategy and has benefited from the expertise of the leadership, research, advisory, and development teams below, and the valuable insights of our partners.
This Project is no longer being updated as of June, 2022. Please follow the CSIS Economics Program for the Center’s continuing work on global infrastructure.
John HamreCSIS President and CEORead Bio
Matthew P. GoodmanSenior Vice President for EconomicsRead Bio
Josiane GabelVice President for Programs and Operations and Executive Director of the Brzezinski Institute on GeostrategyRead Bio
Akhil ThadaniProgram Coordinator & Research Assistant
Matthew WaylandResearch Assistant
Virtual Fellows
Development Team
Reconnecting Asia is a product of the Andreas C. Dracopoulos iDeas Lab, the in-house digital, multimedia, and design agency at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
Produced by Jonathan Choi, Christina Hamm, José Romero, Jacque Schrag, Lindsay Urchyk.