8 Takeaways from the Putin-Abe Summit

Quotes and Quotas is a weekly digest of phrases and facts that help explain Asia’s infrastructure push.

4: The number of disputed islands preventing Japan and Russia from concluding a peace deal to officially end World War II.

11: The number of years since Vladimir Putin’s last visit to Japan.

15: The number of commercial contracts that were expected to come out of the visit.

30: The number of projects that Japan’s trade minister, Hiroshige Seko, said were ready to be signed regardless of territorial disputes.

80: The number of business deals signed between Japanese and Russian companies and public bodies during the course of the summit.

17,000: The number of Japanese citizens that were forced to flee the disputed islands in 1945.

$847.8 million: The Japan Bank for International Cooperation’s (JBIC) contribution to a joint investment fund that will provide capital to Japanese and Russian enterprises.

$2.3 billion The total amount of outstanding Russian loans owed to Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ as of March 2016.

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