Quoted: Praise for OBOR at Davos

Quotes and Quotas is a weekly digest of powerful phrases and facts that help explain Asia’s infrastructure push.
Here’s what four leaders had to say about China and its “One Belt, One Road” policy at the 2017 World Economic Forum in Davos.
“Imagine, ten years ago, to deliver one thing from Beijing to Hangzhou took about eight days. Now you can deliver things from Beijing to Inner Mongolia within twelve hours.”
“China is assuming a larger role in shaping the regional and international, economic and strategic architecture: for example, its newly formed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the One Belt One Road strategy, for increased connectivity, and improved access to regional markets. And these initiatives reflect a growing China and the fact that the center of gravity of the world is shifting.”
“If you go to Shekou, it used to be a fishing village, it’s now part of a modern city with a population of ten million. We’re trying to take that model abroad, and in many places abroad, it has brought a lot of new employment. It has helped set up an industrial value chain. Now my experience is that OBOR is not just a good medium for China’s openness to countries abroad; it’s also a way to share Chinese experience with the countries involved.”
“Chinese companies have made over $50 billion of investment and launched a number of major projects in the countries along the [“One Belt, One Road”] routes, spurring the economic development of these countries and creating many local jobs. The “Belt and Road” initiative originated in China, but it has delivered benefits well beyond its borders.”
Source: World Economic Forum Davos 2017
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