Hydrogen and Green Shipping
Zero-Emission Fuel in the Maritime Sector

Shipping accounts for more than 2 percent of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions today and is set to increase up to 17 percent by 2050. As such, the industry could prove a fertile area for carbon mitigation efforts. Coupled with the march of ever-stricter climate policies worldwide, demand for zero-emission transportation solutions is expected to shape policies and fuel markets alike. In anticipation of this new reality, governments and firms have begun to craft incentives, plan investments, and develop regulations in support of new zero-emission fuels.
To explore these developments, on November 30th the CSIS Energy and National Security Program hosted “Hydrogen and Green Shipping: Zero Emission Fuel in the Maritime Sector.” The discussion centered on the development and implementation of hydrogen fuel technology, the important role it could play for shipping in the transition to a low-carbon future, and ongoing U.S.-Norwegian cooperation in the area.