
35 Items, Page 5 of 7

KITA and Reconnecting Asia Project representatives participate in a conference.

2018 KITA-CSIS Reconnecting Asia Conference

On September 18, 2018, the Reconnecting Asia Project and the Korea International Trade Association (KITA) hosted “Looking North: Korea in a Reconnecting Asia,” a half-day conference that explored Korea’s ambitious plans for connectivity.

China’s Belt and Road at Five

China’s Belt and Road at Five

Five years ago, Chinese president Xi Jinping announced the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a trillion-dollar plan that aims to connect more than 70 countries via an overland “belt” and a maritime “road.” On October 1, the CSIS Reconnecting Asia Project hosted a half-day conference examining China’s BRI, including the challenges, risks, and opportunities it poses for the United States.

Reconnecting Asia's power plant database

Reconnecting Asia Launches 11,000 Power Projects

As Asia continues to develop, its demand for electricity will continue to grow. The Asian Development Bank estimates that Asia will need nearly one trillion dollars in energy investments annually through 2030 to maintain growth momentum, eradicate poverty, and respond to climate change. Reconnecting Asia’s new dataset of over 11,000 power plants can help shed additional light on the region’s changing energy landscape. Find out more about how these and other infrastructure investments are reshaping the Eurasian continent by searching our interactive map and database.

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Inside the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

On April 25, the Simon Chair’s Reconnecting Asia Project hosted a conversation with Natalie Lichtenstein, Chief Counsel for the 57-country negotiations that led to the AIIB’s founding and the principal drafter of the Bank’s charter, to discuss her new book: A Comparative Guide to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.