Competing visions for regional integration and development in Northeast Asia speak to its potential global significance. But for now, Northeast Asian development remains mostly promise and, even where actual progress is made, it tends to stir no shortage of controversy.
Aug 3, 2021
CSIS discusses the Build Back Better World initiative and the essential elements of a successful U.S. global infrastructure strategy.
Jul 30, 2021
Allied alternatives to China’s Belt and Road face a central challenge: international politics and infrastructure projects have fundamentally different timelines.
Jul 28, 2021
CSIS senior vice presidents Heather A. Conley and Matthew P. Goodman testify before Congress on “U.S.-European Cooperation on China and the Broader Indo-Pacific.”
Jul 26, 2021
Jonathan Black and Daleep Singh, the UK and U.S. G7 Sherpas, respectively, discuss the Build Back Better World (B3W) infrastructure initiative and the G7’s response to China’s Belt & Road Initiative, among other outcomes from the June 2021 summit.
Jun 30, 2021