The World’s Longest Suspension Bridge
The Canakkale 1915 Bridge
Quotes and Quotas is a weekly digest of phrases and facts that help explain Asia’s infrastructure push.
6: The number of traffic lanes the bridge will have
1915: The 102nd anniversary of the Battle of Gallipoli for which the bridge is named
2,000: The estimated number of jobs that will be created throughout the bridge’s construction
2023: The year the bridge is expected to become fully operational
2,023 meters: The length of the bridge, which will make it the longest suspension bridge in the world upon completion
$2.7 billion: The estimated cost of the bridge’s construction
$44.7 billion: The value of seven large-scale infrastructure projects completed by Turkey in 2015 according to the World Bank Group
Source: Countdown to Çanakkale Bridge’s ground laying ceremony
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